• +91 9422145935 / 7767887861 / 9422835931
  •  mohdlak@mustafaco.com

About Us

Established in 2003 registered with ICAI vide Reg No. 123923W/ W100360, Mustafa & Co. LLP Chartered Accountants, carry the legacy of vast experience and varied exposure in the industry. We strive for best practices and believe in delivering quality services to our clients. Our sincere efforts have earned us strong reputation and goodwill amongst the various business houses both domestics and multinationals. Evolving with the growing technology, our methodologies are customized to meet client requirements and our conducts ensure that client satisfaction remains our asset.

Firm Experience Overall: 50 Years

  • All the partners Completed three years article ship as required under ICAI regulation with reputed firms.
  • All the partners of the firm are Fellow members of ICAI, New Delhi. Senior partners Namely CA. Mohammed & CA.Mustafa have distinction of being rank holder in C.A Exams. Junior Partners of Firms are also enjoying the distinction of having excellent academic career to their credit by qualifying the all CA Levels in very first attempt.
  • Senior partners have to their credit's deliberation on various national and international forums on matters relating to Direct & Indirect taxes. The Senior-most Partner CA.Mustafa Hussain is a Qualified Management Accountant from CIMA,UK.
  • The Firm is having trained staff of Article Clerks and Skilled Staff. The firm believes in continuous professional education of its employees to deliver quality services. The firm is having culture of weekly orientation programs of staff in various areas of practice.
  • The firm is using latest IT infrastructure and all the partners are well proficient in Information Technology Skills. The Senior most partner CA. Mohammed Lakkadsha and CA.Huzaifa Lakkadsha is having Vast experience core IT Skills and is also a DISA Qualified from ICAI.


  • We strive to maintain high standards of ethics and Independence as required under code of professional conduct while discharging our duties.
  • Continuous professional up gradation through Structured and Unstructured CPE Programs.


  • To obtain the best knowledge possible and to transfer this knowledge clearly and concisely to all of our clients based on their unique needs.
  • To make all our services affordable, accessible and be source of value addition to clients.
  • To engage and interact with others who are actively involved in the field of Accountancy, Auditing, Taxation, management consultancy so that Our expertise remains current.
  • To remain focused on those areas that translate into higher values and to stay away from untested and popular fads that fail to deliver in creating value.


  • Audits
  • Fiscal Law Compliances
  • Direct & Indirect tax consultancy
  • Management consultancy
  • Company Law matters
  • Business Process outsourcing
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